SAS Data Analytics

Reading Time: 3 min Level: Advanced What is SAS Data Analytics? It is a tool that allows marketers to analyse big data and get what it represents. We are living in world where data are no longer kept on limited number of systems, we are rather dealing with a continuum of data centres that are ever growing. In the past we could get a sample of … Continue reading SAS Data Analytics

Social Media Networking in Enterprise Architecture

Reading Time: 3 min Level: Mid Enterprise Architecture(EA) refers to a high-level view of business processes and IT systems, including their relationships and plans for improvement of those processes. There are three layers in EA: record, differentiation and innovation. The layer of innovation is the most important for a company because it possibly can become competitive advantages, which make company more competitive. Social media networking(SMN) is … Continue reading Social Media Networking in Enterprise Architecture

Metrics and Tools

Reading Time: 3 min Level: Advanced Why do we need to measure? “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” (Lord Kelvin) What are the metrics used to measure a social network? There are many metrics used to measure how Social Networks are performing. We are going to explore some of these metrics and see how they measure SM performance.. First we need to agree … Continue reading Metrics and Tools

Social Media for society

Reading Time: 5 min Level: Mid Nowadays, social media is an important information and communication technology for organizations. For example, Australian Government, Department of Human Services uses social media channels such as Facebook public official account to warn people during disaster. This essay will discuss some valid arguments of social media. It will focus on the areas of applications of social media and challenges that … Continue reading Social Media for society

Algorithms and Ethics

Reading Time: 5 min Level: Advanced Algorithms: It is well known by now that almost all social media providers use algorithms to filter the content delivered to its users based on different criteria. The need to do so is generated by the overwhelming amount of posts, tweets, shared content… etc. We will try to cover as much as possible of how different social media platforms … Continue reading Algorithms and Ethics

Big Data Analytics

Reading Time: 5 min Level: Advanced In the past decade, the way people obtain information, has changed dramatically, largely due to the development of internet. As internet becoming increasingly popular, the magnitude of internet data created by users is surging from Terabyte to Zettabyte and even to Yottabyte. This type of data, which provides amount of business opportunities for companies, is called big data. This … Continue reading Big Data Analytics

Introduction to Social Media Networking

Reading Time: 3 min Level: Easy What is social media networking? Nowadays, social media networking is becoming increasingly important in our daily life. Social Media Networking(SMN) includes social platforms that people would like to interact like Facebook, Blogger, WordPress etc.. People are more likely to publish essays,share their ideas and discussing their opinions through SMN. Because people will leave their website tracks while they are … Continue reading Introduction to Social Media Networking

Measuring ROI (Return on Investment)

Reading Time: 6 min Level: Mid More and more Social Media Managers are under the pressure to justify the investment made in Social Media initiatives. Traditional ROI emphasis on bottom line results like increase in sales figures or what is usually referred to by “show me the return”. In order to measure ROI in Social Media, the whole concept of ROI has to be flipped upside … Continue reading Measuring ROI (Return on Investment)